Charleston Voyage
Discount Cruises
Bermuda cruise

Charleston Voyage > Cruise Destinations > Bermuda

Bermuda Cruises from Charleston SC

There were Bermuda cruises from Charleston. Visitors are attracted to the islands by the clear blue water, pink sand beaches, coral reefs for diving, spicy food, and shopping for Bermuda shorts.

Bermuda has similarities to Charleston SC. Both are historic ports with architecture preserved from the colonial era. And Bermuda's history is linked to all of the early US ports. The town of St George's was founded in 1612 and is designated a World Heritage Site.

Bermuda retains a distinct British style, and it is still a British Overseas Territory. The islands are located about 600 miles east of Cape Hatteras (North Carolina), so you can see that it is far from the Caribbean.

Other things to do on Bermuda include the Bermuda Aquarium & Zoo, the botanical gardens, and the Museum of Art. Some of the finest golf courses in the world are on Bermuda.

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